
Why should you clean your roof?

Your roof is subject to many attacks throughout the year. Maintaining it is essential. If you neglect this aspect, sooner or later you expose yourself to serious damage that will cost you much more than the price of its regular maintenance! If it is damaged, this can damage the insulation and cause significant energy loss. Not to mention that it can also bring humidity , infiltration and mold into your home, plagues that are difficult to overcome afterwards.

Your roof is constantly exposed to external aggressions, which gradually undermine its coating. The weather conditions (wind, sun, rain), the deterioration of certain rooms, the surrounding pollution, the heating and the various moss and fungi that settle there are attacks that must be taken seriously. Whether it is tiled or slate, it is vital to regularly maintain this part of your house, because if it is damaged, repairs will be very expensive and it will be essential to call in professionals. It is therefore necessary to take the time to clean it properly.

The best times to clean your roof

How often, and above all, when should you clean your roof? In France, it is recommended to do this maintenance twice a year , preferably at the end of winter, and at the end of autumn to prepare it for the rigors of the cold.

In the spring, check that the cold season has not caused any visible damage and clean up for sunny days.

In the fall, remove the dead leaves that have accumulated in the gutters and get rid of all the plants that have settled, such as mosses and fungi, as these can damage the structure of the roof if they are not removed.

Is it possible to do without a professional?

You can absolutely do without a professional, provided you meet a certain number of criteria, which are essential. Because you still have to have some knowledge and be very careful!

If you notice that your roof is very dirty, highly deteriorated, sloped, and that you have mobility problems or that you are elderly, then it is not recommended that you do its maintenance yourself. In this case, it is better to use a certified company.

If, on the other hand, you have the required knowledge, the necessary equipment, and you have the fiber of DIY, then you can clean and maintain your roof yourself!

However, choose your time wisely: do this work in sunny weather, without risk of wind and without rain!

How to maintain your roof?

Start by inspecting the roof and the gutters around the house. Take a walk around the building already, and see if any visible problems are in sight (broken gutter, torn tiles, branches and dead leaves to be removed, etc.).

Once this is done, you can climb on it very carefully, to carry out a more thorough inspection and a first manual cleaning.

Your ladder must exceed your gutter in length by at least one meter. This margin will reduce the danger, because you will not have to climb on its last bars. Remember to secure it well to prevent it from moving. Also bring non-slip shoes and a protective harness to minimize any risk of accident. When you have reached the roof, remember to secure the ladder with safety hooks.

To limit the risks, it is recommended not to do this work alone, but to be accompanied.

First, manually remove the leaves and other moss that have accumulated on the roof. Bring gloves and a garbage bag for this.

Demoss your roof

Once the first step has been completed, you will be able to move on to demossing .

First, you can use a stiff brush and water, and scrub to remove dirt and residue. It is quite long and difficult, and care must be taken to clean only the outer part of the tiles. You can then rinse the roof with water, always from top to bottom. Also remember to remove the residue that will slip into your gutter.

The second technique is to use a pressure washer, always starting from the top down. However, beware of its power, as it could erode the tiles and increase their porosity. This method, although simpler and less difficult, requires having the appropriate equipment and being cautious.

Treat your roof against moss

You can then use an anti-moss treatment on your roof, whatever its type. Some products are used in preventive and curative treatment! You can then apply it with a brush, a low pressure sprayer, or with a roller. The important thing is to choose a period of favorable weather conditions and to avoid too extreme temperatures.

Apply a water repellent treatment

Applying a water-repellent treatment in addition to the anti-moss is recommended, as this helps to fight against humidity and against the appearance of moss. Most of the treatments on the market can be used for all types of roofs. The application is done with a brush or a sprayer. In general, it is necessary to put several layers!

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