decorating your garden

However, benefiting from a landscaped and decorated garden is a significant advantage both from an aesthetic point of view and for your daily comfort.

Do you have a stretch of grass and you don’t know what to do with it? Are you in lack of inspiration for the decoration of your garden  ? Walkways, water source, shelter, vegetable garden, recycled objects: there are many solutions!

We therefore invite you to discover our 7 decoration tips to arrange your garden and finally benefit from a beautiful outdoor living space to enjoy the sun and nature.

Create paths in your garden

The garden path is both an aesthetic asset, but also functional for your outdoor spaces. There are several types of alleys: pedestrian alleys used to walk in the garden or to connect the house to the outside, but also motorized alleys allowing access by car to the house or garage.

There are thus different shapes and different coatings to create a garden path. The choice of coating will depend both on your tastes, but also on the main function of your driveway.

Sufficient width for the easy passage of a vehicle (between 3 m and 4.50 m)

Do not hesitate to create borders and use natural materials such as stone or wood to create distinct spaces in your garden, and don’t be afraid to use materials like stainless steel angles either

A slope of at least 2.5% to allow the evacuation of rainwater (towards a gutter or a drainage network).

There are different materials that can be used to create a driveway: gravel, stone, concrete, etc. It is important to choose a strong material that can support the weight of a vehicle.

Good to know: in the case of a gravel driveway, it is important to first lay a geotextile which will prevent roots from growing and weeds from appearing

Not everyone will come to your house only by car. Thus, a main pedestrian alley is important to connect the house to the gate.

The secondary pedestrian alley

This is a very interesting solution to give life to your outdoor space! The secondary aisle will make it possible to delimit the different spaces and their functions. The secondary paths can indeed lead to a shelter, a terrace, a vegetable garden, or even a swimming pool.

In addition to being aesthetic, the secondary pedestrian walkway is practical. It does not require a large width and can easily be installed in your garden.

Materials to create a driveway

You have understood: several materials are possible to create a driveway. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing your material, you will need to ask yourself about the desired style, the use of the driveway, the climate of your region, your budget, etc.

Need ideas and inspiration?

To enhance your garden and give it even more charm, the solution may be to create a water point . Whether it’s a pond or a fountain, the water point will bring a Zen spirit to your outdoor spaces.

Having a garden requires maintenance and to maintain outdoor spaces, gardening and DIY tools can become more and more numerous. Running out of storage space  ? Do you dream of the famous little cabin at the bottom of the garden?

A garden shed can have different functions:

If the floor area is less than 5m2, no authorization will be required from you to build a shelter in your garden. From 5m2 and up to 20m2, you will have to make a declaration of work. Finally, from 20 m2 a building permit will be required.

For the rest, everything will depend on your expectations: you can install windows, a roof, choose original colors, assemble your shelter yourself as a kit (DIY), install electricity, choose the layout, etc.

Either way, your garden decor will be enlivened by a new focal point.

To benefit from an aesthetic and well-maintained exterior, the solution may be to clearly delimit spaces in your garden.

There are indeed very specific spaces in a garden: the terrace, the swimming pool, the vegetable garden, the shelter, the plants, etc.

By clearly delimiting each of these spaces while connecting them with paths, your garden will instantly benefit from a very aesthetic coherence where each corner will have its place and its function.

Do not hesitate to create borders and use natural materials such as stone or wood to create distinct spaces in your garden. The pebbles can for example bring a zen atmosphere and serve to separate the different spaces.

You can even use flowers for this! You can indeed separate the vegetable garden from the garden or the garden from the terrace with the help of flower pots or a bed of plants.

Highlight the vegetation

Vegetation should remain the most important point of your garden. It is first imperative to take care of its maintenance (lawn mowing, hedge trimming, watering plants, etc.).

But there are decorative tips to enhance the vegetation in your garden even more. You can opt for the creation of a green wall or even buy colorful and original flower pots.

Do not hesitate to visit the Pinterest site (or the application) which is a real source of inspiration. In particular, you will be able to stock up on decoration ideas to personalize your flower pots using DIY or even find advice for the layout of spaces and gardens!

By admin

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